Stephanie E.
Lost 130 lbs
“My blood sugars are now back in the normal range and my good cholesterol is great. All of my doctors are extremely happy with my success.”
My Trainer: Nicole D.
“I’ve known Nicole Dudas for a number of years – I was first introduced to her in 2010 by Kerry Aileen Simpson when she wanted to get a group together for training. I trained with the group for a couple of months then I stopped since the sessions had completed.
Then in September 2011, I ran into Nicole at Jane’s House of Well-Being where I had just started to take yoga. I would see her off and on over the next year. In August of 2012, we were in a yoga workshop together and started talking. I told her my concerns and objective and we started training together about 2 weeks later.
Nicole is a blessing that anyone that has worked with her can attest. She helped me see that I can do anything that I set my mind to and helped me realize that I can do it. I have found myself again over this journey that I have been on with Nicole and am fortunate to be able to call her a friend. Nicole is not afraid to say what needs to be said – I am making this my new motto ” #JustDudas ” since with her help and encouragement I know that I can.
Since starting my journey with Nicole, I have started yoga teacher training and am continuing to improve my health. My blood sugars had been borderline diabetic for a number of years and my good cholesterol hadn’t been high enough. I just had blood work done a month ago and my blood sugars are now back in the normal range and my good cholesterol is great. All of my doctors are extremely happy with my success and say “Keep up the good work”.
I still have weight to lose but my overall goal is to participate in a Figure show probably within 2 years. Wow – I never thought I would say those words but they keep coming up. I have a great support system with all the new people I have met thru Nicole.
Look for me when the time comes for that show. I’m hoping to be able to bring the sass.”